
Connection Groups

Connection Groups meet each Sunday at 9:15 am or Wednesdays at 6:15 pm! Connection Groups meet year-round and are open to both visitors and members of our church. The purpose of each group is to connect with other people and connect with the truth of the Bible. We recommend you visit at least two or three before you make a decision on which Connection Group to join. If you are interested in visiting a Connection Group, email Dena Riley let us know, and we will help you find one that is perfect for you!

Term Groups

Term Groups are short-term classes that run for 4-12 weeks at a time. These classes will be promoted quarterly for anyone wishing to participate. Term Groups cover relevant topics such as Finances, Parenting, Grief Share, and Marriage.

Term Groups will transition each quarter, providing a variety of subject matter for unique interests. Even if you are enrolled in an ongoing Connection Group, we invite you to participate in a Term Group that may benefit your spiritual, personal, and relational goals. As you build new relationships, an ending Term Group is the perfect time to invite others to your Connection Group.

Discipleship Groups

The next 12 months of your life will be an exciting time as you enter a season of accelerated spiritual transformation. The Discipleship Group environment encourages us to engage with God’s Word and His people in a way that most of us never have before. As His Spirit works in our lives, it creates a passion to help others experience the same thing.

D-groups are small groups of 3-5 people that is gender specific and designed to dissolve & replicate after 12 months of meeting together weekly.

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